Actor, Director and Voice Artist
Christchurch, New Zealand
Here's just a taster of some of my more recent theatrical adventures. I hope to add links to YouTube clips of stuff later, and also a wee archive of older stuff (pics, reviews etc. for any die-hard fans out there) when I get more time...

"Get to see this if you can, we went last night and it's excellent! Wonderfully thought provoking and engaging and the acting is superb!" Elizabeth woods
"You need to see this show! It is so funny, so unexpected and delightful, so thought-provoking, and so well done... Nina found it absolutely life-changing." Jordon Jones
Seascape is phenomenal. Gripping and entertaining, poignant and humorous, deep and lighthearted all at the same time. A four-person cast holds the stage, and a 90 minute play feels like it passes in the blink of an eye.
The acting is mesmerising, reminiscent of 50’s style film with the camp dramatic vibe - completely necessary in such a small production but not easy to pull off! Effortless comedy pours from the mouths of the actors. Annette Thomson, Michael Adams, Charles Grubb, and Annabelle Tomlinson absolutely earn their proper due. I was transported in time, lost in memory, both mine and the characters on the stage.
The stage itself, the set and scenery, costumes, makeup - man, the makeup! - and lighting all came together to make this a spectacle that shouldn’t be missed. I will be reeling for quite some time after seeing this, in only the best ways. I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed it.
(Phoebe Biddle - Backstage Christchurch)
A Bunch of Amateurs

"The real heavy hitters of the show, however, were the two leads....
...Quite simply, Michael Adams made a fantastic Jefferson Steel. Not only could he expertly balance Hollywood charm with Hollywood petulance, but he also used his own experience with the role of Lear to inform both his performance as Steel and that of Steel-as-Lear (so many layers!). As Steel began to understand and internalise the character of Lear in his lowest points, Adams got to really show off his chops, delving into the intense characterisation that served him so well the last time he played the mad king.
A Bunch of Amateurs is, above all, a love letter to community theatre."
(Jordon Jones - Backstage Christchurch)
Hudson and Halls: Live!

"While we watch these two men bristle, cajole, and antagonize each other most of us can’t help but wish they were pouring us a drink each time they top up their own... It is a fine balance walking the line between being true to the essence of the real Hudson and Halls, while not appearing like a caricature. Raoul Neave and Michael Adams did an impressive job of striving for this balance. In particular, Michael’s portrayal of David Halls’ manic energy was fun to see harnessed... By the time we reached the finale the entire theatre smelled like sautéed onions, and we were grinning from ear to ear. A good combination. This show is as fun and sweet as a champagne cocktail, and just as heart-warming as a turkey dinner at Christmas." (Sophie Ricketts - Backstage Christchurch)
The Woman in Black

"Both roles are huge. Kipps has to become a host of locals encountered in the development of the horror and Michael Adams shows his range and versatility with accomplished ease, as well as establishing the hapless solicitor who starts things off...
...Between them, the pair presents a riveting experience within a fascinating story." (Theatreview)
"I don't recommend shows I'm not involved in lightly. I saw a production of this in the West End late last year. NO Productions puts on a show damn near as good as the one we saw, at approximately a quarter of the price. And you don't have to fly to London! Get along for the final night and support some local talent!" (Paul Johnson - Facebook)

"It is a thoughtful and absorbing play, worked effectively by three very talented actors and supported in the intimate space of Papa Hou by clever sound and lighting." (Theatreview)
King Lear

"There is no doubt that Lear is a sought after role for senior male actors who are serious about proving their worth on the boards. It can be a scary, soul-baring role to play, and requires total focus and understanding of the character's nuances. Michael Adams rose to the challenge with a clear talent for holding an audience; not a word was wasted." (Sonya Pegg)
"The show takes the audience on a journey as the king falls into madness, which is brilliantly portrayed by Michael Adams." (The Star)
Danse Macabre

"The first play was a re-working of the short story Casting the Runes by M.R. James. It was a nail-biting number about the villainous Mr. Karswell (played to a loathsome perfection by Michael Adams) and those whom he takes as personal slaves with the help of evil enchantments." (Big Mouf)
The Tempest
"Mike Adams plays a composed and powerful Prospero"
Weird Tales of Midwinter - The Sandman

"The audience mingles, talking in hushed tones befitting of the setting and apparel, until the arrival of our ‘host’ Dr Coppelius / Mr Coppoloff, ably played by Michael Adams. In a very dapper top hat and tails, he escorts us through the deserted streets. Listening to a tale of supposedly mindless automatons that lurk amongst us, the audience follows him obediently." (University of Canterbury)

"The Sandman tells the tale of Arthur Arnold (David Allen), an artist and sculptor seeking inspiration for his next masterpiece. Receiving an abrupt visit from a Mr. Coppoloff (Michael Adams), he is invited to make the likeness of Coppoloff’s daughter, Tillie (Nataliya Oryshchuk), who is extremely ill and on the brink of death. It comes as a shock then for Arthur, when years later, he meets Dr. Coppelius, and his wife, Olympia, who seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to Tillie." (Big Mouf)